The chart is composed of a 1,000 squares, each representing an individual in the UK. These individuals were selected from a survey conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and are a representative sample of the adult population in the UK.
You can set the colours of the squares to show the estimated likelihood that the individuals have the combination of evidence and/or technology to be able to verify their identity online using GOV.UK Verify. You can also set the columns and colours to show a range of demographic characteristics of the individuals.
If you have selected to colour the individuals by the likelihood that our certified companies will be able to verify them, you can also adjust the time slider to see how this will change over time.
Verification measures the likelihood that our certified companies will be able to verify an individual’s identity at your chosen point in time.
each square represents an individual survey respondent coloured by
Explore verification scores over time
Drag the grey slider to see how individual verification scores change over time. The red lines indicate key dates when provision by the certified companies changed.